Friday, July 07, 2023

New World First Light Storage Missing - Fix!

 The First Light settlement is no more in New World as the Angry Earth have taken it over (for a yet to be revealed purpose).  With it means players have lost a town storage slot (and let's be honest more storage is the real end game of New World).  The storage was meant to be available to retrieve items from, but due to a bug many players are not able to see their OLD First Light storage! Oh my! Oh no!

 The good(ish) news is there is an easy workaround.  The bad news is it's a momentary fix and requires repeating each time, so my recommendation is to do it once, empty First Light storage, and move on with your day.

 The workaround/fix is to log out all the way to desktop and log back in.  Once logged back in you will see OLD First Light storage the first time you open storage.  IMPORTANT: You will only see it the FIRST time you open storage.  If you close out of storage you have to log all the way back out to desktop again for it to re-appear.

 Hopefully this helps!

old first light storage new world