Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sorry, no part 2 for Minecraft What I'm doing

Sorry, there will be no part 2 to this post about what I was building in Minecraft.  As the beta approaches for Minecraft, tomorrow actually, my friends and I decided it was time to go all TNT Armageddon on our server.  And, well, my house was first and is now nothing but a giant hole in the ground. 

Normally, a month of hard work lost in a few heartbeats would cause a rage inside me that most have never seen, but with Minecraft things grow stale.  Also survival multiplayer has been updated so much that when I started my project the game was immensely different than when I left off (players NEVER finish anything in Minecraft).  I'm looking forward to starting over with all the awesome knowledge I have now.  This time, I may actually fit my mine cart system in my initial building instead of some sort of Frankenstein building that I was building on the old world!

A new world dawns tomorrow at  Come on over and say hi.

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