Saturday, March 21, 2009

WAR, What Is It Good 4?

Absolutely nothing.

My WAR account will go inactive after this weekend. It was fun while it lasted, but there are too many fundamental game designs that I will never agree with and refuse to pay for.


  1. Anonymous10:47 PM

    I just started playing the game and I would be curious what fundamental game designs you think it lacks?

    For me the game has the graphics of Lord of the Rings, the playstyle of WoW, and the PvP of Dark Ages of Camelot.

    There may be some very general imbalances in classes, but overall I find the game to be the best PvP MMO available and nearly as good as a PVE grinder as well.

    Most curious what you think it lacks?

  2. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Heartless I'm curious - were you a DAOC player?

  3. Anonymous3:12 AM

    So I guess the only question left to ask is...can I have your stuff?

    Hey. If I didn't do it someone else would have.

    Oh. And I absolutely love the post title and subsequent follow up with the rest of the lyrics. It really drives your point home. Zing.

    Jason (resident drunken idiot of Channel Massive who signs his comments because it makes them 10x more valid)

  4. My guildmates have been left a sizable chunk of change, so no you can't have my stuff.

    Anon #2, I played DAoC for a few years before going to WoW. Mythic didn't bring a single thing they learned from the 5+ years of development on DAoC and started at square one with WARs RvR.

    I will have a post coming with details, but if you look back you can see a few of the sticking points in the forefront of my mind.

  5. Anonymous1:05 PM

    So many issues... so not surprised. I'd probably be with you but it gives me something to write about (and get paid for), so $15/month isn't really that big a deal, even if I only log in a couple hours per week. :P

  6. Anonymous2:07 PM

    "Mythic didn't bring a single thing they learned from the 5+ years of development on DAoC and started at square one with WARs RvR."

    That's what I and about every other ex-DAOC player is thinking. Very frustrating.


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