Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bob's Red Ball

From Broken Toys we meet Rights, Profit, and Drama:
Rights: Well, of course. He’s stating the obvious. Does your landlord in the real world, even though he owns your house and the land it’s on, have any right whatsoever to read your mail and pop in unexpectedly when you have a date? Why should virtual landlords have more rights than realspace landlords?

Profit: I can’t believe we’re even having this discussion. If I’m going to be threatened with lawsuits because of constitutional rights you have to my server, I’d have to be retarded to ever open my company up to such liability by making a server. These are entertainment products, and we are being paid to create a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone. There is no such thing as virtual civil rights, only EULAs. And if you somehow get the courts to disagree, we’ll take our balls and go make console games.

I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I WAS RIGHT I KNEW IT the company needs to give me my account back now.
Read on through that link for the full article. Read below for my thoughts.

I have always had a simple idea of ownership. If Bob paid for the red ball, is holding the red ball, and decides to give it to you to play a game of kick ball (for free or for a rental charge), Bob still owns the ball.

Virtual space is still real. It exists on a hard drive somewhere. Thou who controls the physical media, owns the virtual goodies within. End of story.

MMO gamers don’t own the physical media and should not have rights to it. MMO gamers pay to access a service. BOB OWNS THE FUCKING BALL!


  1. As usual, it's much ado about nothing. The new rules only affects asking for money in-game, not outside of it, so mod makers are still free to solicit donations. I doubt very seriously that this will actually have a major impact on the moneymaking potential of WoW mods, most of which are done for love or fun and not money anyway. If a few do go away, so what? Something else will come in to take its place, official or not. No mod is mandatory. Well, except maybe TomTom and LightHeaded...

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    A friend of my brothers, whom he went to Yale with, who happens to be an incredible tax law lawyer, wrote an interesting paper on exchanging virtual good for money. Its a great read if you have the patience:

  3. And who the heck is Bob, anyway? I wouldn't play with his ball even if I was paid to, but I'm willing to pay for the game I play on my computer, in my home. What do you mean that the virtual world exists in some other hard drive: I installed the darn game on my computer and paid for it!

    It's mine, do you hear, IT'S MINE!!!




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