Friday, August 04, 2006

Who Wants to be a Superhero?

"Who Wants to be a Superhero?" is a new reality show appearing on Sci-Fi and I must admit I was very surprised when I watched it. Being a reality show, I didn't pay much attention to it among the flood of other reality TV shows. However, this show is far from the standard fodder.

The important part to realize about the show is the fact that Stan Lee is "The Man". He invented what it means to be a Super Hero. With that knowledge he knows exactly what to look for in these people. It isn't about some fancy costume, funny stunts, or outrageous back stories. It is about whats on the inside. Like is said in the show by Major Victory... "Stan wants us to be super humans."

It is easy to tell which contestants are there just because they were accepted and those that truly believe in their characters and the idea of being a Super Hero. There is no voting in this show and so far the normal reality TV bullshit has been avoided. Sure people like or dislike each other, but there is no secret alliances or other crap that clouds the meat of the show.

I would love to share more, but I don't want to spoil the shows! They have the suspense and twists of a good M. Night Shyamalan movie. Go and watch now!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Turbine announces they are copying World of Warcraft raids!

Lord of the Rings Online from Turbine has announced they have decided their "Friends Don't Let Friends Tank Balrogs" policy just wasn't going to cut it. So they have decided to make raid encounters and as described they are nothing more than stolen World of Warcraft raid instances! World of Warcraft sort of stole the idea from Everquest, but Blizzard just happened to make them quite a bit more fun, challenging, and less exploitable. Everquest pretty much stole the idea from MUDs, but raised the number of people and added 3D graphics.

So, isn't Turbine just following suit and offering the next upgrade in raid content? If this article is anything close to their final system then this is going to be a near CLONE of the WoW raid instances. Replace LotRO in this article with WoW and you couldn't tell the difference other than the raid party sizes. WoW has 40 and 20 person raids, while LotRO will have 24 person raids.

I really could go on and on about how this is such a blatant rip off, but its not worth my time. Turbine doesn't fucking get it. DDO is basically being redesigned and LotRO has a different design idea being tossed back into the game every other week. None of the ideas are original and there are so many of them (faction, raids, etc) that just STINK of rip off that it amazes me someone isn't suing.

Wake up Turbine! World of Warcraft is here and they have hit the nail on the head for achiever oriented game play. You have THE MOST BELOVED fantasy license of ALL TIME in your hands (Lord of the Rings is 2nd only to the Bible in all-time book sales BTW). Do something true to the nature of Tolkien's work. Don't throw the MMORPG copy-cat bullshit out on shelves with the LotR trademark as you did with Dungeons & Dragons Online. Screwing up DDO is recoverable, fucking up LotR is not.

NOTE: I realize that a big budget AAA title is nothing to go hog wild with. There needs to be a solid and proven game design under the hood. However, this does not mean Turbine needs to go back against their initial designs to include things that are DESTROYING other online communities. Turbine had a very different game with Asheron's Call and I can't understand why all their new games stink of copy cat bullshit. They don't even make the slightest attempt to hide it...

Update: 5 Aug, 2009 - Edited post, applied labels.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A gamer is married.

So my little AFK is over. I am now a married gamer. A happily married gamer. I haven't touched a videogame in almost a month now due to wedding activities. My little brother on the other hand enjoyed rampaging accross the lands of Azeroth in World of Warcraft. I think he spent more time with his Tauren Warrior than with his soon to be married brother. I dragged him away for quite a few matches of the board game Carcassonne and that was all the gaming I got done. Anyways onto the wedding.

It Rained

The day we were to be married the weather was overcast. Clouds hung in the sky, but for the longest time the rain held off. All morning and afternoon there was no rain in sight and the weather radar looked good. We had an early evening garden wedding outside of a historic inn up in the mountains of North Carolina.

Right as our ceremony began the rain started to trickle. By the time "Here Comes the Bride" began to play the rain was at a medium pace. Everyone held firm and the minister did not speed up one bit to get going faster. The light to medium rain continued throughout the ceremony. We have some GREAT pictures of people hiding under trees in the audience and the lighting actually made for better pictures overall.

Funny thing was as soon as the ceremony ended the rain stopped and the sun came out! By the time formal pictures began the rain was no where to be found. The reception followed and a great night was had by all. I probably drank a bit too much wine, but I remember almost everything. I made sure everyone had a good laugh when not thinking I nearly chugged the entire glass of champagne we drank before the cake cutting. My wife elbowed me to stop. Then after cutting the cake my wife handed me a hardened sugar flower. I thought it was soft and chewy... which I was very wrong about. I didn't know if I should spit it out or keep trying to chew it. Thats when the real laughter started and I had to bear trying to laugh and chew this HARD candy flower.

Jamaica and the amazing Mr. Houdini

Our honeymoon was to Jamaica to an all inclusive resort. If you ever have the chance to enjoy an all inclusive resort I recommend it. For one price you get your entire trip paid for. You can eat as much as you want. You can drink as much as you want. You can do whatever activities they offer for no extra cost. I can't tell you how relaxing that makes the whole experience.

We did some snorkeling while we were there and the ship captain was nick-named "Sponge Bob". His deckhad didn't have a nick-name so he asked for any suggestions at the end of our trip. Since the deckhand kept ducking down into the hull of the boat and popping up to run across the roof and appear on the other side I recommended Houdini. I swear if you didn't keep an eye on him you would think he had a twin stashed on the boat. To my surprise on our next snorkeling trip a couple days later the name, Houdini, had stuck. Later in the day I saw Houdini walking past the beach bar and someone that had been on our trip called out to him with his new nickname. He responded and I was satisfied that I had chosen a good name.

Jamaica was great while we were at the resort. Otherwise the airport sucks, the road trip sucks, and its sad to see what some of the surrounding areas look like. The resorts or dreamy, but the local shanty towns are dumps.

The End

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

AFK for wedding

So, my wedding is almost here. Soon I will be a married gamer. I don't know when I'll start posting again, but I have better things to do for a while. I'll be back, so don't worry.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Extra thoughts on World of Warcraft's 1.12 patch PvP changes

My previous thoughts on World of Warcraft's proposed patch 1.12 PvP changes

IGN has some more info regarding the new World PvP from upcoming WoW patch 1.12.

From the article we learn that two zones, Eastern Plaguelands & Silithus, will become open to world PvP objectives. Both of which are high level zones (55+) and supposedly this will help cut down the ganking of levelers elsewhere in the world. Unfortunately it won't cut down on ganking at all because ever since Battlegrounds arrived ganking hasn't been worthwhile as a form of PvP advancement. It wasn't really viable before Battlegrounds, but there was a small bit of advancement possible for killing enemy players you encountered.

I've always understood why some players play on PvE servers... because they want to avoid ganking at all costs. It just isn't worth their time. On the flip side I've always understood that some people don't want to play it safe and they choose PvP servers. I choose PvP servers. The whole ganking thing never turned me off because I was usually smart enough to gank back when I had the chance and avoid what ganks I could.

Anyways the point I want to make is that WoW gives players a choice of where to play. PvP or PvE. So the whole idea of ganking should play no part in world PvP at all, but Blizzard doesn't seem to get that. They seem to be trying awfully hard to avoid ganking opportunities with these world PvP objectives. Here is a clue for Blizzard. A level 58 isn't going to beat a level 60 who has been around a while. A level 60 in green/blue gear isn't going to beat a level 60 decked out in MC/BWL gear. Ganking is going to happen simply because its a LEVEL BASED GAME and at level 60 a META-LEVEL BASED GAME.

Battlegrounds are a prime example of WTF is wrong with WoW PvP. The average joe doesn't have a chance in hell at playing with/against players of equal footing. You would think that players off all level/meta-level would get mixed together, but what really happens is the uber epic gear bitches all stack up together to roll over pick up groups. That is why I am hoping the changes to battlegrounds include a ladder system so these fucktard carebears can't play whack a mole with the newbs anymore while gaining the same amount of honor that I would recieve if I kicked the shit out of them.

Blizzard has brought the uber PvP groups out of the Battlegrounds and supplanted them in both of these PvP zones. However, unless the honor gained is SIGNIFICANT you won't see ANYONE outside of bored rogues actually going after these objectives. It looks like all you will get is a buff and I bet that buff disappears on your first death. So what is going to happen when every AQ20 group heading out wants to roll anyone trying to level/quest in Silithus to get their precious +1% foozle buff before raiding AQ20? I believe the answer is ganking.

In Eastern Plaguelands the uber groups will come out for the first week and rape every tower in sight. Alliance will be especially good at the capture the flag simply because paladins are fucking gods at capture the flag/interupting flag captors. This will in effect just turn everyone off of this capture the flag bullshit.

There really isn't more I can say. I wanted to bring a more concise and useful post about what Blizzard could do, but with this information in my hand I can't say anything but Blizzard fucks up again and after the fuck up that the Scourge Invasion was I can gladly say 1.12 won't pull me back to World of Warcraft.

UPDATE: 14 Nov, 2009 - Updated labels, corrected spelling.