New World's 4.0.3 patch is coming tonight. Check out the notes here and watch the breakdown video below. Jump past that for some comments and wild speculation about cooking changes!
This is a relatively small patch with various bug fixes, but hiding in the notes was a mention about future cooking tradeskill changes!
Legendary Fish
To set the groundwork for Cooking Trade Skill changes coming next season, Legendary Fish will now require a higher Luck stat to catch.
Let's speculate wildly!
So what could be changing with cooking trade skills? My initial guess would be removing some of the legendary fish from recipes that are needed for common consumables. It was always a bit crazy that certain attribute foods required legendary fish while others required rabbit meat which is far more plentiful.
That level of change is boring though so lets speculate further! I'd love to see New World move into a model where buff food had a much longer duration and thus required more investment in terms of resources to craft the meals. Or allow us to slot stacks of food that get auto consumed so we dont have to think about it when one wears out; it just keeps consuming until it's empty. Thus they could be tied to gear sets easier and give more value to gear sets!
One thing I'd also steal from Guild Wars 2 is "feasts" where a single player an set up a "feast" that other players can interact with to get a buff. I'd prefer it be part of the housing system so folks have to enter a house and interact with something to get the buff. This would help avoiding more spam in crowded towns and give additional value to housing which is underutilized.
Another cooking change I'd love to see is getting rid of crafting skill foods. It is dumb that you need to consume something that will last for an hour+ when you are crafting for just a few minutes at most even if you are doing large crafting requests.
Interested to see where this goes!
Wrapping up there was also a bonus community Q&A in the notes regarding server merges. Summarized: we listened when you asked us not to merge, but still need to do some merges. In the future we'll do less merges because we'll have more cross-server activities. Which I agree with. Enough said.