Showing posts with label Throne and Liberty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Throne and Liberty. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Final Thoughts: Throne and Liberty Global Beta

 At the surface Throne and Liberty is a very polished game.  The graphics are amazing.  Performance is top notch.  It is massive and nails multiplayer with masses of players running around everywhere.  Quality of life features abound.  However just below the makeup there is some things we need to talk about.  Here are my final thoughts after 15 hours with the Throne and Liberty global beta. 

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
Welcome to Throne and Liberty

 First I do want to reiterate how amazing this game looks and how well it runs.  I am still amazed how they are able to get the game to run without any loading screens.  That alone is worth recommending the game as it is so refreshing to boot up a game, select a character, and then a few seconds (not minutes) later you are in the world.  The same goes for teleporting.  Add in the performance both in how it runs on your machine and how it seemingly maintains a lag-free world with hundreds of players running around it is clear they have some magic sauce!

 The problem, for me, comes in that the game didn't hook me.  For comparison I hit 50+ hours played in both the New World open beta and more recently in Once Human's open beta which both ran shorter than Throne's beta where I hit 15 hours. I did keep coming back to play Throne but once I got past how amazing the world feels, the shock of teleporting around without loading screens, and how fun it is to chase after the giant flying whale at some point I had to interact with the story and engage in the combat.  That is where the game started to lose me (but not entirely).

 I'll admit in my older age I am not one for sitting around dialogue screens or cut-scenes in RPGs.  For a while now I've felt that if a game can't deliver the story content without having to stop and bring me to a separate screen that the story probably was click through material. 

  Throne delivers some of it's story via interactive mechanisms but there is still a lot of time spent in dialogue screens or cut scenes.  By the end of the beta I was pressing F and ESC as fast as I could to get out of them.  The story is just not interesting and most story quests are monotonous. Seriously; one of the last quests I did in beta had me talk to someone, walk a few feet to pick up a burlap sack, then walk a few feet and put the sack in a fire, and then just turn to talk to the person again!  That was it.  Nothing more.  I don't need to be doing mundane quest steps in 2024!

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
F, F, F

 Dotted between the mundane story questing are instanced solo encounters which provide more meaty content usually focused around some sort of combat encounter. These are better than the burlap sack burning experience but aren't anything to write home about.  I just don't have the patience for story in MMORPGs anymore.  Get me to the world and interacting with other players!  With that said Throne is not much different from other games in the genre and at least it has some cut scenes worth watching.

 There are parts of Throne where the game does a better job of delivering information to the player. For example in the world events, as you are doing the event, a fully narrated set of updates for the event appear on your screen.  They don't require you to interact with them and go away all by themselves.  I found it a good way to keep me engaged in the event progress.

 Additionally I think the team behind Throne realized that many players are like me and click through content as fast as possible.  After most story moments or tutorial quests the game has a fully voice narrated "here is a summary of what just happened" that plays for you while you go about your business.  Personally I feel they could have just done this vs much of the mundane dialogue screens in the game.  In fact I really liked the after-the-fact narration (I know some testers did not).

 Also in the story quest there are points where you interact with items and have to go to another screen to manipulate the item.  This is it's own screen (again, taking you out of the world) and you have to flip the item around and then click on the right spot to unlock the next part of the puzzle.  The first experience with this was a "fake" book that really had a key hidden inside.  I did not find it interesting at all and felt like it was wasting my time.  

 It is rare enough to have to inspect an item that it's not a headache but it brings up a question of consistency.  Why not make all quest items work like this?  Why just here and there?  I am a big believer in games being consistent and this just seemed like a tacked on feature used some of the time.  The screen itself that you use is also not intuitive at all.  I had to look up help on how to do it because clicking was doing nothing (you have to hold your click down when the cursor changes icons which means you can really just fake your way through it vs it being some sort of puzzle).

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
The item inspection puzzles are few and far between and aren't needed

 The quests and events in the game do offer variety.  I did enjoy some early quests such as the one where I morphed into a mouse and had to literally play "cat and mouse" dodging a cat only to find out the cat was a morphed bad guy.  However, too much of the main story was just run here do this then run there.  I honestly think the game may have been better without the main story and instead just focused on the world events.

 I say this because there are so many freaking events happening in the world in this game.  It was refreshing to see a world that looked alive! Hitting the "schedule" button and seeing all the possible events occurring was cool.  I barely scratched the surface of events and had fun in every event I jumped into.  My only disappointment was missing an event and having to wait hours for the next time. I didn't even get to PvP yet and there are tons of PvP events!

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
A busy map.  Events.  Events everywhere!

 I did get to try the level 20 dungeon a few times as well and it was OK.  I'll talk more on combat later and the state of combat was part of why I say it was just OK.  The game does have a group finder which was nice as it made it easy to get into a group and get going on the content.  As a more solo-ish player I tend to prefer this way of getting into group content.  

 The dungeon was mostly trash enemies and a couple bosses.  The end boss was difficult to follow and I really didn't understand why some groups failed at that boss while others seemed to do just fine.  I was "one shot" multiple times at this boss and still don't know by what or how I was supposed to dodge it (probably because I was staring at the hotbar UI vs the boss).  At the end of the dungeons you have to spend a currency you gradually gain each day to get rewards and once that currency is gone I am not sure why you'd run a dungeon.  That was disappointing to learn as its basically a "daily" but I get it being a way to prevent farming.

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
The first dungeon's end boss summon

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
Group finder with match making for dungeons

 Next I want to touch on combat. I never got over the hump with it.  It just doesn't feel as good compared to the rest of the game around it.  The biggest issue I have is that it feels static with too much time watching the UI.  I've said in the past that New World changed how I perceive MMO combat.  In New World you rarely are looking at the UI and are almost always engaged with the combat encounter in front of you.  

 In Throne I kept missing things going on because I had to be either looking at a bar of 12 different possible skill cooldowns or trying to find whatever status message on screen I needed to find or having to swing my camera around to find the enemy.  This leads to a lot of time with your character just standing in place while you hit the buttons and honestly 12 skill buttons + 4 consumable + 4 function keys is just too much.

 Speaking of skills. I really don't get why the game starts players off with access to so many of the weapon skills.  I don't want to sound like a newbie and say it is overwhelming but it honestly is and removes an aspect of progression and learning a game that I didn't realize I'd miss until I played Throne and it wasn't there.  Aside from the first tutorial scenario that teaches you the defense timing mechanic there is nothing to walk a player through the hundreds of skills in the game.  Players are expected to open the skills screen and figure it out; including figuring out what order you should use them in (i.e. rotation).

 And it's needed because skills are complicated. There isn't simple "fireball goes boom" skills.  Every skill is "does X% damage + applies Y effect and then has % chance for Z".  Oh and then based on time of day it may do something entirely different.  All I want to do is scream.... "why!?".  

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty of skills
The skills screen can be daunting.  An example skill that increases block chance and then also counterattacks but the counterattack isn't affected by critical or heavy hit chance.  Then on being upgraded does even more.  And you will have 12 skills of this complexity level in front of you at any given time in combat!

 I really had to dig through skills to make sense of what goes together well and what order to fire them off in.  I can see learning your rotation being a huge part of success in this game.  That is fine but just not something that hooked me.  I'd much rather have been gradually introduced to skills and had the game give me more guidance on what works together. Don't even get me started on the fact you can have multiple hot bars of skills set up and swap mid fight.

 I also felt there was little identity with the weapons.  You can equip any two weapons and from their array of skills you can equip 12 (again feels like too many).  All of them sort of had the same feeling.  If it was a ranged attack it was a ranged attack.  If it was a melee attack it was a melee attack.  Wand, staff, sword, dagger... I didn't get a sense they were all that much different or maybe the game failed to explain to me how they were working differently.  I really wish the game would have limited active skills to, at most, five at one time.  That would have made it much more impactful to choose between the array of skills two weapons brings the player.

 Ultimately whether its the skills bonanza or the stationary state; the combat in Throne and Liberty is it's weakest part.  It didn't lose me but it didn't hook me.  I really dislike that you have to focus so much on the UI and thus lose focus on the amazing game world in front of you.  Less would be more in this game's combat.

You get a cat for your inn room

There are some other areas of the game to touch on.

 The guild system seems well fleshed out. I joined a random guild and was immediately helping complete guild contracts and getting rewards for the guild doing activities.  I also had multiple ways to contribute to the guild via game mechanisms vs having to manage contribution outside of the game.  I think this game will be a good home for guilds looking for MMOs that reward guild play.  It will also be good for the less hardcore guild members (i.e. solo players) to be able to contribute to the guild.

 Crafting is not really crafting so much as just a set of screens you use to combine things together.  There is upgrading gear via enchanting but again its just a set of screens you use to progress gear vs any sort of crafting as you would think from most MMOs (i.e. you don't craft a sword hilt and blade to make a sword).  Some crafting, like cooking, is coming in the launch apparently (and is available in the Korean version as of this week).

 One of the biggest "oh really?" moments was when I realized the game has no in game economy. Zero.  None.  The only auction house is the one for the premium currency (which I am fine with).  However, that auction house is limited in to just some specific named items.  You can't, for example, craft potions and sell them (or at least that I could see).  That was really disappointing as markets of online games is one of my biggest attractions.  This may change since they are adding more life skills to the game like cooking.

 Another point to make in Throne's favor is the quality of life bits.  There is a lot of polished features in this game.  I was amazed to find that I could save my preset skill build outs and I didn't have to buy any slots from a cash shop for the privilege.  The same goes for armor and weapons.  It is just there in the UI.  The map is amazing and full of info.  The schedule that details events really helps connect players to the active world.  While there is probably too many overall screens in the interface I can't deny that each screen is still clean and super functional.

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
The quintessential MMO experience: the crowded town alleyway

 The end question is whether I will play the game at launch and I'll give an honest "I don't know" answer.  Is it possible?  Sure.  I like to jump into MMO launches to get that launch day feeling but I'm not sure it would be much different than what I got out of the open beta here.  The game did grow on me a  little the further the beta went on and I used the extra day to play some more when they extended it.

 I can tell you that this beta was nothing like what I got out of New World's open beta or more recently Once Human's.  Both of those games hooked me and I ran out the clock on their betas and was happy to repeat at the launch of both.  With Throne something just didn't fit together as well.  The combat being mediocre and the lack of an actual game economy are not great selling points.  I will end with "maybe" on whether I'll play.  I really don't think the game is going to do much better in the west than it did in Korea.  I can see now where many folks are coming from after they tried to the Korean version and now had access to the global beta.

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
Goodbye beta

Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday Screenshots: Throne and Liberty Global Beta

 I spent just over 12 hours in the Throne and Liberty global beta over the last few days and I have some screenshots to share.  More screenshots in my initial impressions post.

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
The giant flying whale is an amazing sight to behold.  Even more amazing is the fact you can jump on and ride the whale around the world!

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
The view distance is astounding in the game.  Being able to see far off landmarks gives a sense of scale to the world that many games fail to pull off.

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
The second main town (forget it's name)

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
Did I mention I really, really liked the giant flying whale?

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
Upgrade success!

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
Interiors are well decorated and full of detail.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Initial Impressions: Throne and Liberty Global Beta

 I jumped into the Throne and Liberty global beta yesterday.  What I was welcomed into was part single player RPG, part MMO, and all beautiful.  Here are some more initial impressions.

 One thing that jumped out at me was the performance.  There are tons of players everywhere in the starting areas and the game looks amazing everywhere you go.  At no point have I had any hint of performance issue.  No lag, no freezing, no odd FPS dips, nothing that I could even call a hiccup in performance.  The game runs like a dream even with tons of players zipping around.

 As mentioned the game looks amazing.  The world itself is breathtaking and the game regularly treats players to fly by overviews of areas offering amazing views of the landscape.  The details are awesome as well.  Rocks look like rocks.  When you go into a house in town it is full of furniture, nick-knacks, and other details; a real sense that "someone lives here".

A screenshot from the Throne and Liberty global beta
An in-engine bird's eye view of the first major city Kastleton

 Amazingly this is all on the backdrop of a massive open world where players, at the click of a button, can zip from one spot to a next via the game's teleport function.  Zip being the key word: there is no loading screens.  I was teleporting from areas with dozens of players into areas with hundreds of players and as fast as the teleport animation could animate I was teleported.  Then at one point I hopped on a boat that started moving and again no loading screens; the boat just took me from island to island to island and then back to port.  Whatever magic sauce they have to make this world this seamless needs to be shared with other developers!

A screenshot from the Throne and Liberty global beta
A screencap I sent a friend asking if "are there lots of people playing?".  This is one of the starter area event hubs.  Note: I have turned on player names in settings (it is off by default).

 The game also gives multiple ways to traverse the world.  Along with the normal walk/run there is also the ability to shapeshift into a creature that makes you run faster which is the game's version of mounts it seems.  Also there is shapeshifting to glide, which seems to be a standard feature in most games now.  Jump off a cliff and shift into a bird and glide across the open world.  Then there is grappling where you can grapple up to places.

 The only downside of the traversal is that there is no vaulting in the game (i.e. being able to grab a ledge and pull yourself up and over).  A short stone wall may as well be a giant castle wall for your ability to get around it.  This also goes for various rocks that look like you could jump up on them but  the game just doesn't let you.  It's also not consistent: sometimes a jump gets you over and other times its like there are invisible walls blocking you.  This is odd considering if you can figure out a high point nearby you can just glide over the obstacle.

A screenshot from the Throne and Liberty global beta
Riding in a boat.

 The game is also full of things to do.  Quests of all shapes and size dot the landscape.  There is a lot of variety to the quests as well.  One quest had me transformed into a rat trying to avoid a cat only to find out the cat is a shapeshifted bad guy that I ended up fighting.  The story quests also have single-player RPG feel to them as the camera zooms in and you get an up close an personal dialogue sequence.  The game also quasi-teleports you into your own private copy of areas like houses where key story elements happen (again without a loading screen!). The story quests are also full of movie-like sequences.  I am skipping most of them now saving that content for launch.

A screenshot from the Throne and Liberty global beta
The cat and mouse quest!

 Before I end the initial impressions here I want to talk about the combat.  At its heart it is a tab target combat system.  There is an action mode that can make the combat feel more "action" but it seems the general consensus from experienced players in the Korean version of the game is that you should use the "classic" combat mode that is traditional tab target.  I am torn here as I like the action mode but I can see where in larger fights you will need to be in classic.  The muscle memory between the two is going to be entirely different as well so I don't see it being viable to switch between them in high end content.

 In terms of complexity the combat so far is standard fare.  Put abilities on your hotbar and press the buttons until the enemy dies.  There is not much need for movement aside from just wanting to move.  Most of the early game combat is just pressing your attack button once to start attacking and watching your character do the work.  The story boss fights were a little harder but not by much.  There is some timing required around the defense skill when an enemy flashes the right symbol.  


A screenshot from the Throne and Liberty global beta
Players need to activate their defensive ability when this symbol appears.

 I haven't gotten too far into trying out different weapons but the game does let you switch them at any time.  You can equip two and switching between them is easy enough. Skills for a specific weapon can also be used at any time regardless if its the current active weapon or not so that was nice not having to switch to get access to the second weapons ability.  There are tons of skills for each weapon so it will take time to figure out what makes sense.  

 One thing I want to note that was disappointing with the massive beautiful open world is that when you get to the main areas they are filled with wandering piles of monsters.  That is fine as there is more than enough to go around for all the hordes of players but it makes the game feel very lifeless.  For as amazing as the world looks that all goes away when there is a field with 100 wolves just standing around waiting to be killed.

 Over all I've enjoyed the beta but I can't say it "hooked" me.  I do want to keep playing a bit more to firm up whether I want to play at launch but compared to games like New World and Once Human where I put 50+ hours into their open betas Throne and Liberty didn't have the same feeling.

A screenshot from the Throne and Liberty global beta
Goodbye my little friend.  The game gives you a pet-like creature called an Amitoi.  The one you start with is helpfully named "Helpie" but *spoiler* you do have to say good bye to them.

 Looking into the SteamDB Charts for the beta I was surprised to see a much, much smaller volume of players.  In a year where we've seen random titles hitting millions of players it felt like an open beta for a much anticipated MMO would fly up the charts but it topped out at just over 61,000.  The game is on multiple platforms so Steam isn't the only data point but I'd of expected a lot more interest in this game.

SteamDB Chart for Throne and Liberty Beta
Not as many players as expected on Steam

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Throne & Liberty Global Release!

 I picked up on the news for Throne & Liberty's global release plan via Mr O on Youtube.  The announcement comes with a new trailer.  The game launches on September 17th with a beta in July.

 I am looking forward to giving the game a try as it looks to have a complex and in depth end game system that has lots of different PvP options.  Also based on updates to the Korean version it sounds like they are working to make the game more friendly to solo / small group players vs the original version in Korea which has been dominated by large guilds.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

MMORPG Alphas! MMORPG Betas! Oh my!

 2024 is shaping up to be a big MMORPG year.  Along that line new alphas and betas are coming soon for Throne & Liberty global launch and Pax Dei!

throne and liberty

 First, Throne & Liberty has announced their long awaited global beta for April 10th!  More details below:

The upcoming Closed Beta Test will start on April 10 at 1PM PT (8PM UTC) and run until April 17 at 1PM PT (8PM UTC). Selected players will receive their invitation via email on April 2, and will be provided a code via email on April 4 with further instructions on how to participate.

 I've signed up and am hopeful to make the beta.  I have a lot of interest in Throne & Liberty as it seems to be on of the few games really striking for the "massive" portion of MMORPG.  For some folks a PvP fight with 1,000+ players may seem muddled but to me it sounds fun.


pax dei

 Next up is Pax Dei with their next "Wilderness Alpha" phase coming.  Check the news post for more information.  If you end up signing up for alpha access feel free to enter my referral code "heartlessgamer_friends".

We just announced that our upcoming Alpha will start on April 23rd. In this post, we want to explain the delay and provide more details on what our teams have been working on during the past few months, as well as what you can expect to test this time around.

 The team looks to be making good progress with the game; specifically on the RPG side.  The sandbox building side looked to be in pretty good shape from previous alpha testing.  With this new alpha there is a hefty set of changes to animations, skills, and thus combat is changing.  The animations of the prior alphas was not polished so looking to see the changes.

 They also have new dungeons which look much better than the caves of the prior updates.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Throne & Liberty Castle Siege INCOMING!

 I just caught the below video for Danneh on YouTube walking through the impending world first castle siege that is going to happen in Throne & Liberty which launched in Korea in December.  The possibilities are just mind boggling and this video 100% increased my interest in the game.

First, the video:

 What jumped out at me is the scale of the fight.  The "castle" is massive with large exterior areas that are fought over before the massive interior of the castle is rushed.  There are multiple points that guilds can fight over to get a piece of the pie at the end.  It also sounds like thousands (yes thousands!) of players will be able to participate.

throne and liberty castle siege
Massive castle map!
 To go with the scale are also the siege golems that can be spawned.  These massive beasts can smash walls or gates or serve as mobile transport (from the video you can see a golem carrying a group of players towards the outer walls).  I am definitely curious to know more about the golems.

 The castle itself also appears to have tons of features that can be destroyed so players aren't forced to bottleneck through a single gate.  Players/golems can smash walls or small groups can sneak inside to open gates (requires multiple players to activate the gates).  This is much more than some simple battleground mode; this is a full on castle siege with variety and different paths to victory!

 The reward for winning also seems massive; translating to thousands of dollars in real world value.  I am sure that will cause some to pause in regards to "gold selling" and "pay 2 win" which is fair but those items are persistent in every game (or game discussion) these days so I'm not going to let them ruin my interest here.  Also key is that it is NOT a winner-take-all system; various guilds can fight over their piece of the pie and none of them appear to get anything if over all a victory is not achieved so this will encourage team work (hopefully!).

 Coming from a game like New World where "end game" PvP "wars" are 30 minute instanced fights for 100 players (50v50) the described siege about to occur in Throne & Liberty seems much more fitting of the title "war".

 I still have reservations about the tab-target / action combat hybrid that Throne features, but I can get past that if there is events like this on the scale (thousands of player's y'all!) that is being talked about.  I've already seen other open world boss fights that occur with PvP active and the number of players present is just crazy!  I really, really want to play this game now!

Wednesday, January 03, 2024

What Surprised Me In 2023

 To go along with my 2023 disappointments I wanted to share some surprises.

 The Finals

the finals
 The Finals surprise launched in December and I've not stopped playing since.  It is one of the most refreshing FPS games I've played in a while and I have fun every time I log in and play.  My teenager is also playing now that he has his own gaming PC and is the first FPS we've played together.  I'd recommend the game to anyone that is interested; it is free to play.

 Throne and Liberty Turn Around

 Throne and Liberty (T&L) blasted onto the scene in 2023 with an amazing trailer and lots of promise as "the next big MMORPG" only to follow up the initial hype train with a train wreck of a beta test where a completely different game seemed to have appeared.  Littered with mobile-game features like auto play and static combat the game was written off as "another Asian pay 2 win grinder".

 However the T&L development team took the harsh feedback to heart and re-engineered major aspects of the game.  Auto play was removed, the grind was significantly reduced, and combat was updated to be more fluid.  It is still a tab-target combat system but gone is the static combat where you were stuck in place.  Characters now can move with most of the combat abilities and from all accounts the system is better for it.

 T&L also launched in Korea in December... with the changes noted above.  Again that is a big turn around from the development team.  From various folks that jumped into the Korean launch it also seems like the game is in a good spot and the changes have addressed many of the initial concerns.  

 I am adding T&L to my "want to play" list for 2024.

 Blaugust 2023

 I didn't know about Blaugust until I came across it via Mastodon ( instance specifically).  I had a lot of fun with my posts last August and look forward to Blaugust 2024!  You can see my Blaugust 2023 tagged posts here.



Thursday, November 02, 2023

So much stuff... so little time!

 Work is a bit crazy and my leisure time has been spent playing New World so blogging has suffered as a result.  I wanted to mention a few things.

New World's dev team released a new edition of Forged in Aeternum talking about the game's economy.  Anyone that knows me knows that game economies are my jam so I do want to try and find time to make some comments.

Throne and Liberty released a video ahead of their December launch in Korea.  Lots of information about the game and video looks good as T&L videos always seem to.  I am hoping they've made some progress from the previous iterations that basically crash landed in the western MMO market killing any and all buzz about the game.

Ashes of Creation also released their long awaited "caravan" demo. Surely this is the update where it all comes together?  Right? The game is shaping up but I still walked away unimpressed so want to drop some more comments about it.

NaNoWriMo also kicked off and as it's 11/2 and I haven't started I will just have to pass again for this year.  Oh well!

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Throne and Liberty bad?

 RIP Throne and Liberty.  It was good knowing you while you were just an exciting possibility.  I will still give it a try but the video from the beta test in Korea is not looking good.  The game looks like it plays like a decade old game with a fresh coat of current generation graphical paint.