Friday, February 20, 2009


Some 500,000+ people may have lost a job recently, but there are a lucky few out there that have gotten a job lately. I just happen to be one of those lucky few. I am moving from my contract position into a full-time position with my company. It is a great feeling. I beat out 35 other candidates, for a position that normally only sees a handful of applicants, and it eventually came down to a written skills test to determine the winner.

And as a nice reward, I may just finally get two monitors for my work PC!


  1. Anonymous1:49 AM

    I recently have applied to 4 job searches that got canceled after my application went in (economy), as well as another that did go through but had more than 800 applicants. I don't think I've been up against less than 100 applicants in anything I have applied to in the last five years. I have yet to land a permanent position, but I'm happy to still be employed at all.

  2. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Congrats bro!


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