Monday, March 25, 2024

Steam Backlog: Borderlands 2

 This post is part of my running series: My Steam Backlog (see all MySteamBacklog tagged posts).

 With the lull in activity for New World I am back at it in my backlog of games on Steam.  Today I booted up Borderlands 2 and an hour later uninstalled it.  Here's my thoughts.

 This was actually my second go around at Borderlands 2 and it didn't take long for me to remember why I stopped playing the first time around.  For context, I loved the original Borderlands.  It was a fast looter shooter and was over before it overstayed it's welcome.  Borderlands 2 on the other hand bogs down as soon as you start.  The looting and shooting is still there but there is a good bit of waiting inbetween.

 To go along with the waiting I also had some technical issues.  Changing resolutions and windowed kept causing the game to not launch properly.  Then while playing, no matter the settings, I kept getting stutters intermittently.  Mouse sensitivity was all over the place and I was never able to figure out what was up between the game's settings  and my mouse's DPI settings.  I don't have issues in other games.

 Throw in technical issues and an early reminder starting a new game that there is a bit of waiting and I was bored fairly quickly and moved the game to uninstalled.  For the purposes of my Steam backlog though it is off the list!  Glad I picked it up in a sale :)

 Some screenshots:

A screenshot from the game Borderlands 2 on PC
Oh... ah... pretty sky!

A screenshot from the game Borderlands 2 on PC
I do like the intro screens but they are a bit too common to start the game out.

A screenshot from the game Borderlands 2 on PC
I do like the intro screens but they are a bit too common to start the game out.

A screenshot from the game Borderlands 2 on PC
Oh look a quest where... all I do is... wait?

A screenshot from the game Borderlands 2 on PC
Oh look... another quest where all you do is... wait?

A screenshot from the game Borderlands 2 on PC
I do like the intro screens but they are a bit too common to start the game out.

A screenshot from the game Borderlands 2 on PC
By the background you can see I was in the middle of shootin' when this game tip popped up freezing the action.

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