Monday, December 23, 2024

Monday 12/23/2024 Post

 The Green Bay Packers shut out the injured New Orleans Saint and damn it felt good!

packers donut the saints

Monday, December 16, 2024

Monday Screenshots: MVPs

 I scored back to back MVP nods in Marvel Rivals over the weekend.  One playing The Punisher and the other playing Hela.  I wanted to share the MVP screencaps and some thoughts on each hero.

The Punisher

The Punisher MVP screen from Marvel Rivals
15 kills / 2 deaths and a clutch quad kill

The Punisher is the first hero that Marvel Rivals players get to experience in the tutorial and I pretty much fell in love from that moment.  He has both range and close up potential as he sports a machine gun and a shotgun.  He also can deploy a stationary turret that he can use to mow down the enemy.  To help him get in place he can deploy ziplines and use smoke grenades.  His ultimate ability turns him into a pumped up machine gunner with shoulder rockets firing down on targets.

The biggest downside to playing The Punisher is his lack of mobility.  While the zipline grapple can sometimes get you out of trouble it is far too unreliable to be a consistent escape mechanism.  It is far better to use the zipline to get in a better position against the other team.  If another duelist or a tank gets in close to me while playing The Punisher it doesn't end well most times but there is something I've gotten better at that helps.

The Punisher has a second weapon with his shotgun and I see many new players overlook this.  It is a strong close range weapon and can delete soft targets up close but is slow between shots and even slower on reload so you have to hit your shots.  The shotgun is also a remarkable tank killer.  You won't win a 1v1 with a tank but if you are pushing an enemy tank or trying to finish one off there is no better weapon to get the job done.

A few things I'd like to see the game fix with The Punisher:

  • The grapple zipline is unreliable because it is not clear what parts of a map can be attached to and which cannot.  I am sure this affects other heroes like spiderman as well.
  • The smoke grenade needs work.  The smoke lasts for almost no time at all and it is easy for enemies to just push through.  Either add a stun to the smoke grenade if it hits a target or give more control to the player on the pushback so they can use it to juke enemies.
  • Many other heroes get some form of health boost or protection when activating their ultimate.  The Punisher does not and with his clear announcement that he is entering his ultimate it is not hard to find and focus fire him down before his ultimate finishes activating.


Hela MVP screen from Marvel Rivals
EZ PZ 18 and 2 match

Hela is probably the strongest duelist (aka DPS) hero in the game.  She is sniper-like with her throwing daggers/swords and has outstanding mobility as she can shapeshift into a bird to escape or reach a perch from which to snipe from.  She also gets a stun orb and can float slowly down instead of falling.  Her ultimate boosts her health and launches her to float above the battlefield while she unleashes bombs.

I honestly only started playing Hela after getting repeatedly wrecked by her in many matches.  There is also a lot of feedback in the community that she is overpowered and after playing her a bit I would have to agree.  She is easy to play and get kills with.  She can lock down areas chokepoints and almost always escape danger with her stun and shapeshifting.  She is also very strong against tanks and if you can land headshots she is the "tank killer" most competitive team comps rely on.

She needs a nerf.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Sunday 12/15/2024 Post

 The Packers excised some demons last night at Lumen field and beat the Seahawks.

Green Bay Packers beat the Seattle Seahawks

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

The Real MVP Jeff the Landshark

 I had a burst of inspiration and put together a video with some music and a highlight from Marvel Rivals.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Heartlessgamer Rap

Who knows what the future of AI will look like, but for now, I am having a lot of fun exploring creative possibilities that were once beyond my personal talents, resources, and time. One such pursuit is music creation.

An AI generated image of an old(er) video game blogger creating music.
Sort of not at all what I look like.  I prefer my jeans NOT ripped.

Back in the day, I dabbled in electronic music (over 20 years ago!) and was a fan of the MTV Music Maker—a sort of video game for wannabe musicians. I even had a Napster chat channel where I shared my electronic music, though those early creations have been lost to time. Recently, I've started experimenting with Suno and AI-generated music, reigniting that old creative spark.

After some trial and error and watching YouTube tutorials on the best practices of song prompt writing, I've developed an AI-collaborative approach to lyric writing. The process is a partnership between my creativity and an AI assist. I contribute the core ideas and overall structure, while the AI helps refine the lyrics, ensuring proper length and rhyming.

The collaboration isn't always smooth. The AI sometimes changes key pieces of text—for instance, replacing "Keyboard mouse" with alternative phrases even though "keyboard mouse" is a key lyric considering I am a PC gamer.

These unexpected shifts can lead to more interesting results. When I got stuck, the AI came in with clever solutions. A perfect example is the line "every post he writes erupts," which the AI suggested when I was struggling to incorporate blogging into a verse.

Rhyming has been particularly fascinating. The AI's skill at creating unexpected rhymes—like "alien sand"—has been a delightful surprise. Of course, there are moments when I simply insist on keeping certain lyrics, rhyme or no rhyme, maintaining my bit of control over the process.

The song I lyrics I ended up with:


HeartlessGamer plays all night long
Virtual worlds where he feels strong
Pixelated lands where he belongs
Chasing dreams with epic songs 

[Verse 2] 

Blogging tales of heroes grand
Defeating foes with just one hand
From dungeons deep to alien sand
He conquers all with a fearless stand


HeartlessGamer is his name
In the digital realm he stakes his claim
No heart to lose no love to tame
In pixels and code he’s got the fame

[Verse 3]

Keyboard mouse like a knight’s sword
From level one to final boss
Strategic plays no room for loss
He’s the legend and the lore

[Verse 4] 

Loading screens and power-ups
Collecting lives and winning cups
Every post he writes erupts
With cheers from fans they fill his cups


HeartlessGamer is his name
In the digital realm he stakes his claim
No heart to lose no love to tame
In pixels and code he’s got the fame 

Lyrics in hand it was a lot of trial and error with different music styles and combinations.  What resulted was a few different versions of the song.  Personally I have a wide ranging music taste.  You can catch me listening to everything from Lean On Me by Bill Withers to Mad World from the Donnie Darko movie to my teenage years dominated by music from Korn.  I tried to mix many of those genres and musical styles into the prompting, but ultimately the style that worked out best was rap and electro-pop.

The two song outputs worth sharing are:

Monday, December 09, 2024

Monday Screenshots: Cuteness Overload

 I had written Marvel Rivals off as a Marvel cash grab, but then I saw the game had breached 400,000 concurrent players on Steam so I had to check it out.  What I found was an enjoyable hero shooter with a spot on super hero feeling.  One of those heroes happens to be the cutest darn land shark you've ever seen.  Meet Jeff the Landshark!

marvel rivals jeff the landshark
Hi Jeff!

 Jeff is a support hero that focuses on healing and powering up teammates.  He does this in adorable fashion by rolling around and then going underground to do his "land shark" thing. Every-now-and-then he turns on his back and flipping a fish snack up in the air to reload his healing power.  Once charged up his ultimate shark attack swallows enemies and teammates alike and either can be spit out or better yet, for the enemies, is to just swim off the map with them.

marvel rivals jeff the landshark screenshot
The land shark can also climb walls!

marvel rivals jeff the landshark screenshot
Who's the cutest MVP?  Jeff!

marvel rivals jeff the landshark screenshot
Jeff Jeff Jeff!  MVP MVP MVP! 6 kills, 1 death, 25 assists - top healing, assists, and a 4 KO ultimate

marvel rivals jeff the landshark screenshot
The stats so far; not a great win rate but still a ton of cuteness!

marvel rivals jeff the landshark screenshot
Oh and did I mention Jeff can ride on Groot's shoulders for a team up moment?  Bad screenshot but you get the idea.

Thursday, December 05, 2024

Thursday 12/5 Post

 Playing like garbage in the first half and then making it a close game in the second half against good teams; not a winning strategy for the Packers this year as they come up short against Detroit.  There was a sliver of hope that Jordan Love would get the ball back for a chance to come back in the end but Dan Campbell gambled and walked away with the house instead.

packers lose to lions and dan campbell yells at jordan love

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

November 2024 In Review

 November 2024 has come and gone and with it I'm a year older and wiser as I celebrated another birthday that puts me somewhere in my mid-40s.

The Blog

 Blogger provided number (last 30 days graph so a bit off a full month): 18,200

 In other metrics:

  • Posts:
    • Target: 16 (weekdays minus vacation)
    • Posted: 14
    • Difference: -2 (the election results deflated my mood for a few days)
  •  Search Trends
    • "new world roadmap 2024", "new world 2024 roadmap", "new world road map 2024" continues to be the top driver of traffic even while I was on hiatus playing Throne and Liberty.  Of course we already had the 2024 road map and recently got the "whats next" update (which I need to post about still)
    • "best battlefield game", "best battlefield", "best battlefield games" is proving it has a long run as it proceeds to drive traffic to Best Battlefield!?
    • "throne and liberty daily checklist" also creeped up the list for a short run in November but dropped out fast
    • "ashes of creation pirate software" also blipped driving some traffic to my post going over the video between Pirate Software and Stephen Sharif 

What I Played

 November started out strong with a lot of Throne and Liberty, but the game wore on me and I found myself less and less interested in the progression system which kept me from logging in.  By the end of the month I had given up on the game entirely.

 Which meant I had a hole in my MMO play space and to fill it I leaped back in New World.  It is honestly the better MMO of the two games and I'm enjoying my time back in New World far more than I was enjoying my time in Throne and Liberty.

Years Ago

1 Year Ago

Nov 2023 was dominated by New World posts

5 Years Ago

Nov 2019 was in the 'not a lot of blogging' era and nothing comes to mind.

10 Years Ago

In Nov of 2014 we got the first teaser trailer for The Force Awakens.  Oh the promise!  The excitement! Can we go back and pretend none of the other sequel movies happened?

And I was playing ArcheAge at the time.

15 Years Ago

In Nov of 2009 the rumors began to swirl about the imminent shutdown of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning as the grim reaper that is EA began to cut staff at EA Mythic.  I miss WAR.  I think it had a chance to be a better game than it turned out to be.

We also got our hands on Left 4 Dead 2 which I still revisit from time to time all these years later. There is nothing better than playing as the zombies in that game!

I was also celebrating World of Warcraft and Firefox hitting their 5 year anniversaries.  I swear this was just yesterday though... but 15 years... 15 years ago... that means we've had both of them for 20 years now!

Oh and WTF (What the Favre)!

 20 19 Years Ago

 Technically I have 20 named years on my sidebar, but mathematically 2005 is only 19 years ago.

 In Nov of 2005 I was posting about the keys to the World of Warcraft's auction house; a pastime in every MMORPG I've ever played.  The online market and economy is one thing that sets these games apart in my book.

Star Wars Galaxies' ill-fated New Game Experience (NGE) was getting the proper drubbing it deserved.  No more tears, or words, shall be shed in remembrance of this event.

Monday, December 02, 2024

Monday Screenshots: Brighter Shores

 I gave Brighter Shores a few minutes of my time and well... no... just no.  These screenshots will be the only record of my time in the game.

brighter shores title screen
Almost feels like an AI-generated title image... and the buttons feel like a game from 25 years ago
a screenshot of the game brighter shores
Another world, another "heartlessgamer"!

And that's it.  I didn't play too much past the tutorial.  The game is clearly for an audience other than myself.  It feels like a game meant for web browsers 25 years ago.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Thursday 11/28/2024 Post

 The Packers beat the Dolphins and Jordan Love finally got his turkey leg!  Two legs in fact!

packers beat dolphins meme